Embedding tender excellence in a Global Life Sciences Company

Almost 70% of the revenue of this major pharma company were assigned in big tenders. The company asked OXYGY to help them design a common operating model (governance, process, systems, people and KPIs) across the world to manage the tendering process, increase conversion rates and share best practices among countries for continuous improvement.

Do you want to know more? Please have a look below

What was the challenge?

The major challenge of this project was the scope of adoption of a common model. Each country’s level of understanding and maturity concerning tendering (including pricing) was extremely diverse: in some, the tendering process was considered only after the tender was issued, creating opportunity cost in several phases of tender shaping.

What we did

Together with a corporate team, OXYGY defined the blueprint of the new tendering model and created the right selling proposition. We involved the countries (using the marketing AIDA model) to adopt the common model in managing and verifying the tendering process. We also facilitated the co-creation of a series of indicators to be used for continuous improvement.

What was the outcome?

Working side-by-side with our client at the corporate and country levels, we helped implement a fit-for-purpose operating model, recognized globally. This was supported with a self-assessment tool and corresponding robust library of proven practices to generate organizational learning.  The result was a fully embedded common tendering model worldwide, with highly engaged countries and initial improvement millions of € gained through improved conversion rates.

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