I have over 30 years experience working as a business and IT consultant for multiple industries in global consulting firms and venture firms. In addition, I also have substantial experience in business development execution support for both domestic and overseas markets. Having lived and worked in Thailand, I have a good understanding of many Asian markets.
Masakatsu “Boon” Ochi
Senior Manager
in Tokyo, Japan

About me
My Areas of Expertise: DX/BPR, IT Transformation, Business Strategy and Execution, Change Management
My Sector Focus: Manufacturing, Retail/Distribution, Financial, Services
My Languages: Japanese (native), English
My Education: Master in Management Science at Seikei University,
Tokyo Japan
My Experience:
- Distribution improvement by IT utilization for special medicine with delivery time limit in pharmaceutical company
- Company-wide process innovation with IT and BPO in order to handle rapid business growth and customer service improvement in a service company
- Demand prediction model development and action planning for supplies in a manufacturing company
- Process and IT design in order to enter new business for an Asian retail company
IT Transformation
- IT strategy setting and total IT Reformatioin (system architecture, management process, cost optimization, organization, HRM etc.) for non-life insurance company
- User PMO support (review and advice to proposal and plan from vendor) in all core system renewal projects for a convenience store chain
- Review of IT organizations in Asia & Pacific area and transformation planning support for a global manufacturing company
Business Strategy / Execution Support
- Product selection / development support and commercial distribution development support for overseas business expansion in a food company
- Business model development and alliance support for overseas business expansion in a service company
- Company-wide management KPI development in a real estate related company
Change Management
- Global HRM system development support for talent management in a manufacturing company
- New process introduction and establishment for organization change and new product release in a telecommunications company
- Education and training system development and execution for new up-sell organization in an IT company