Effective Implementation of a Customer Relationship Management System

Challenges and tasks

  • A global medical devices company decided to invest $20 million in new CRM system for its affiliates in 18 countries in the EMEA region and wanted maximize efficiency of the investment made.
  • The challenge was to design and implement a system that had the full support of key opinion leaders knowing that:
    • the local country management believed that “our country is unique and special” so there was no trust for the software to work, yet processes and data elements had to be common across all countries; and
    • salespeople resist administrative work, especially if they don’t see the immediate benefit.

OXYGY's Approaches

Engage key sceptics and opinion leaders in the solution development co-discovery and co-design, in particular in relation to:

  • the process and data elements to maximize the value of each process, keeping in mind the overall integrated process; and
  • the end-to-end sales process, from identifying opportunities to winning and maximizing the value of new contracts, was broken down into logical sub-processes.

Outcomes and value created

A successful $20 million investment into a new CRM software, yielding a 10% increase in sales and $50 million benefit thanks to:

  • changing the behavior of notoriously independently minded sales reps
  • engagement of key opinion leaders in analyzing and improving their sales activities
  • creation of the European network that openly share proven practices and discovering more commonalities than differences
  • alignment on a common process that not only solved local challenges e.g., tendering, but developed blueprints that each country used with minimal adaptation

One seasoned sales rep said after the project was completed, “Through this work, I now really understand what effective selling is all about!”

Get in touch

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Areas of Expertise

  • Employee engagement
  • IT system deployment
  • Project management
  • Sales


  • Medical devices
  • Pharma


  • Sales
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